Hours before the Kentucky Derby aired on TV, a different sort of competition took place outside of Pine Bluffs Distilling. The business hosted the fifth Corgi Derby fundraiser for the Cheyenne Animal Shelter in which registration fees, donations and $1 per drink sold went toward the shelter.
Attendees were able to enjoy not just the Corgi races, but also food trucks, cocktails and a costume competition before heading inside for a Kentucky Derby watch party.
The goal for the fundraiser was to raise $5,000, according to Cheyenne Animal Shelter Director of Annual Campaign and Branding Niki Harrison. Although the final number is not yet tallied, the estimate is that the event raised over $6,000 for the Cheyenne Animal Shelter.
The following photos depict a derby held on Saturday, May 6, that will likely never reach national news, but determines valuable bragging rights and status among some in Wyoming.